At ArcBoss, we build and sell portable welding manipulators. Because of its flexibility and practicality, our product is a “turn key” solution. We engineered ArcBoss to be a game changer in the pipe welding industry. ArcBoss facilitates the welder to be more productive and efficient. As a result, we make his job more comfortable and safe. ArcBoss provides a product that will change the culture and atmosphere in a shop. We pride ourselves on helping people take their companies to the next level. So there are a few small things that we are committed to that set us apart from our competition.
Portability and Flexibility
The ArcBoss unit was engineered to be portable and flexible. This makes it easy to apply in many different areas. With ArcBoss, you are no longer bound to one area of your shop, because your welding manipulator can be taken anywhere. Now you no longer have to bring work to your manipulator. But you can take your manipulator to work.
Easy to Apply
Our welding manipulator was engineered, from the ground up, to be a product that any pipe shop can take advantage of. This equips you with the ability to semi-automate the welds you already produce, with the equipment you already own. Since investing in additional equipment is no longer needed, overhead will be minimal. So ArcBoss makes it easy to go from where you are to where you want to be.
Service And Training
Commitment to service and training are foundation principles at ArcBoss. Because ArcBoss products were engineered with service in mind, it will be easy to provide what customers everywhere need. We plan to provide the training and knowledge needed to make ArcBoss a success in every shop.
Every component that makes up the ArcBoss manipulator is CNC machined. Because of the tight tolerance placed on every part, quality is built into the product. So there is not a piece that goes into the finished product that is not checked and rechecked to ensure this. Also, each unit is tested multiple times, this ensures that we don’t miss the small things that create problems.
ArcBoss commits to provide it’s customers with the best product we can. We understand that there’s nothing worse than investing in equipment that has no return. So we plan to do whatever it takes to make our customer successful. The goal is to help our customer build and scale their business like never before!